Tuesday, 30 October 2012

356 [PGBSC Blog] PGBSC Website and online registration.

I have been informed by our service provider for the website and online registration system, that due to the storm on the east cost, the primary data centers have experienced damage. This has cause a problem with maintaining service. Therefore I wish to inform you that our service to the website and online registration system may be affect during the next few weeks

I also want to assure you that their backup data centers has taken over, however the capacity of these centers is limited. Rest assure our data and your data is safe and has not been compromised.

What does this mean to you. Well for the upcoming swim meet, the credit card processing may not be available. Of course we will still accept cheques and cash as payment. I am discussing with the club Registrar as to options we may have, and will inform you once we have those options. In addition information normally distributed through the website may not be available through that media. We will tackle that problem as it comes up.

For now please use the system as normal, however please be aware that there may be some disruption in the next few weeks.

Andrew (Andy) Godden
Technical Director
(250) 627-2503

Prince George Barracuda Swim Club

Sent from my iPad on the Telus Network

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