Sunday, 28 October 2012

354 [PGBSC Blog] Blog Announcement Silent Auction Thanks You's

I would like to thank everyone who participated in our annual PGBSC Silent Auction.  Last night we broke our previous year’s auction totals and raised $1536.00 for the Barracudas.  This would not have been accomplished without the families who participated and the great items that were donated.


Our very generous sponsors are:  Michaels Jewellers, Coast Inn of the North, PG Direct Automotive, Hands On Car Wash, Boston Pizza, Books & Co, Sandman Inns & Suites, Canadian Tire, Phoenix Medical Imaging, and Swim Canada.


We also have some very generous club members who donated or obtained items for the auction, they are:  The Chrobot, Ozcan, Connon, Lamb, and Bourbeau Families.


Thank you everyone,


Cathie Godden

PGBSC Fundraising Director