Sunday, 28 October 2012

355 [PGBSC Blog] Festival of the Trees Coatcheck Fundraiser


NOV 24 – DEC 2, 2012


PGBSC in partnership with The Spirit of the North Foundation runs the coat check during the annual Festival of Trees event at the Civic Centre.


The total amount of donations collected at the coat check is then divided, by the total number of shifts, between all those who participate in the coat check.  It then will be applied into a FRL credit on your membership account.  All participants will also receive free admission to the Festival.


This is a great fundraiser for both parents and swimmers, as they can also work the coat check with you and receive a free admission.


The sign-up sheet for the Festival of Trees is being posted on the bulletin board today at the pool. Deadline to sign-up is Nov 19th. The 2012 Festival of Trees poster is also on bulletin board and the PGBSC Fundraising Page at so you can see the events that will be going on during the various schedule times. Please include your contact number and email address.


When you are signing up, DO NOT alter or edit the shift schedule times or remove or another participants name.


All participants will be contacted by email after Nov 19th with the event details.


I am also looking for a volunteer to help coordinatate this fundraising event.  If you are interested in assisting please email me at .


Cathie Godden

PGBSC Fundraising Director