Hi All Barracuda Families,
There have been a few requests for transportation via bus to Prince
Rupert for the swim meet.
The bus is a coach with the comfortable seats.
Travelling by bus is a great way to:
connect with other swimmers and parents en-route,
give students a chance to work on homework (perhaps),
let parents do some reading, work on their laptop, etc,
and is generally more restful than driving one's own vehicle.
If you are interested in taking the bus, but DID NOT sign up to travel
"with the club" please let me know.
If there are a sufficient number of people interested we can book a charter.
The cost will depend on the number of people interested, but I am
hoping for enough interest to make the cost approximately $125/person.
The team is planning to leave @ 5:45 Monday morning and will return
after the swim meet on Sunday afternoon.
Marilyn King
PGB Travel & Meet Director
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