Tuesday, 30 October 2012

358 [PGBSC Blog] Website and registration system

Just an update on the website and registration system. The time on the east cost when our service provider said the system was to be down, has long past. Yet our system is still up. However I have not gotten notice from them that, all is well, so there is still a possibility it could go down.

So please, if you are paying your swim meet fees by credit card as you normally would, please do so in your online account. Should the website go down we have a manual payment processor for credit cards as well. Please see our Registrar, Carolyn Chrobot at registrar@pgbsc.org if you need to make a manual credit card payment. As always there is still the cheque and cash option as well.

Andrew (Andy) Godden
Technical Director
(250) 627-2503

Prince George Barracuda Swim Club

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357 [PGBSC Blog] Credit card payments for nov swim meet.

Further to my previous blog post about the website downtime. At the time of this blog post the website is still up. Therefore if you are thinking of paying for the swim meet with a credit card, please do so soon, while the website is still up.

We have no control, when the website will go down, if it goes down at all. Therefore the sooner you pay your fees the increased chance you can use your credit card to pay your fees.

Andrew (Andy) Godden
Industry Advisor, Optimization & Process Control Specialist

Direct (604) 210-9882

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356 [PGBSC Blog] PGBSC Website and online registration.

I have been informed by our service provider for the website and online registration system, that due to the storm on the east cost, the primary data centers have experienced damage. This has cause a problem with maintaining service. Therefore I wish to inform you that our service to the website and online registration system may be affect during the next few weeks

I also want to assure you that their backup data centers has taken over, however the capacity of these centers is limited. Rest assure our data and your data is safe and has not been compromised.

What does this mean to you. Well for the upcoming swim meet, the credit card processing may not be available. Of course we will still accept cheques and cash as payment. I am discussing with the club Registrar as to options we may have, and will inform you once we have those options. In addition information normally distributed through the website may not be available through that media. We will tackle that problem as it comes up.

For now please use the system as normal, however please be aware that there may be some disruption in the next few weeks.

Andrew (Andy) Godden
Technical Director
(250) 627-2503

Prince George Barracuda Swim Club

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Sunday, 28 October 2012

355 [PGBSC Blog] Festival of the Trees Coatcheck Fundraiser


NOV 24 – DEC 2, 2012


PGBSC in partnership with The Spirit of the North Foundation runs the coat check during the annual Festival of Trees event at the Civic Centre.


The total amount of donations collected at the coat check is then divided, by the total number of shifts, between all those who participate in the coat check.  It then will be applied into a FRL credit on your membership account.  All participants will also receive free admission to the Festival.


This is a great fundraiser for both parents and swimmers, as they can also work the coat check with you and receive a free admission.


The sign-up sheet for the Festival of Trees is being posted on the bulletin board today at the pool. Deadline to sign-up is Nov 19th. The 2012 Festival of Trees poster is also on bulletin board and the PGBSC Fundraising Page at http://www.pgbsc.org/fundraising/ so you can see the events that will be going on during the various schedule times. Please include your contact number and email address.


When you are signing up, DO NOT alter or edit the shift schedule times or remove or another participants name.


All participants will be contacted by email after Nov 19th with the event details.


I am also looking for a volunteer to help coordinatate this fundraising event.  If you are interested in assisting please email me at cathie.fundraising@pgbsc.org .


Cathie Godden

PGBSC Fundraising Director



354 [PGBSC Blog] Blog Announcement Silent Auction Thanks You's

I would like to thank everyone who participated in our annual PGBSC Silent Auction.  Last night we broke our previous year’s auction totals and raised $1536.00 for the Barracudas.  This would not have been accomplished without the families who participated and the great items that were donated.


Our very generous sponsors are:  Michaels Jewellers, Coast Inn of the North, PG Direct Automotive, Hands On Car Wash, Boston Pizza, Books & Co, Sandman Inns & Suites, Canadian Tire, Phoenix Medical Imaging, and Swim Canada.


We also have some very generous club members who donated or obtained items for the auction, they are:  The Chrobot, Ozcan, Connon, Lamb, and Bourbeau Families.


Thank you everyone,


Cathie Godden

PGBSC Fundraising Director



Saturday, 27 October 2012

353 [PGBSC Blog] BLOG announcement Innisbrook Order Deadline

As requested, I’ve extended our order deadline to Sunday Oct 28th so you can still enter your on-line order(s).


Please Go towww.stanbridge-innisbrook.com  and select EZ Order


1. Enter the PGBSC customer (school) number 106917

2. Follow the EZ steps to enter your orders

3. Print a voucher to return to me or the coaches with your payment (Cheques made payable to PGBSC)


ALL PAYMENTS MUST BE RECEIVED BY MONDAY, OCT 29TH or your order will be cancelled.


If you have any questions, please contact me at Cathie.fundriasing@pgbsc.org.


Cathie Godden

PGBSC Fundraising Director

Friday, 26 October 2012

352 [PGBSC Blog] Silent Auction Donations

Final reminder for donations to our Silent Auction at the PGBSC Awards Banquet this Saturday, Oct 27th.  Please email me if you have a donation so we can arrange pick-up at the pool.


If you are still canvassing, that is great but I do need to know what items you have by 12 pm on Saturday so I can prepare the bid sheets.  A donation request letter has been attached to this post and there is also one on on the fundraising page of the PGBSC website that you can print at http://www.pgbsc.org/fundraising/ .

We have already received donations from the following businesses:  Coast Inn of the North, PG Direct Automotive, Hands On Car Wash, Boston Pizza, Books & Company, Canadian Tire, & the Sandman Hotel.

We will also be auctioning off some shirts and autographed posters from the Canadian Olympic Trials, (3) very nice cedar planters, a picnic table, and some items just for the kids. 

If you have any questions please contact me at cathie.fundraising@pgbsc.org


Thursday, 25 October 2012

351 [PGBSC Blog] Banquet Saturday


350 [PGBSC Blog] Wednesday October 31

As Wednesday next week is Halloween, practices for D3, D2C, J/S Dev will be cancelled that day.
Y/N and Elite will have practice 4-6pm; no dryland.

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

349 [PGBSC Blog] Timing and Stroke &Turn course

Hi Everyone

I have posted a sign up sheet on the Barracuda's bulletin board for another timing course on Wednesday, November 7th from 6:00 – 7:00 pm.

I am also organizing a stroke and turn course for Saturday, November 10th from 9:00 – 11:00 am. This is a good way for parents to learn about the sport of swimming and meet new friends.

It is also necessary for parents to take these courses, so that we can continue to have qualified officials to run our meets. 
Christine Reid
Director of Officials

348 [PGBSC Blog] Prince Rupert

For those that went to Prince Rupert last weekend, it appears we have lost an IPhone. If you came into possession of one not you own or have information about the phone, please contact me and I will get it to the interested party

Andrew (Andy) Godden
Technical Director
(250) 627-2503

Prince George Barracuda Swim Club

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Monday, 22 October 2012

347 [PGBSC Blog] Medical Northern Sprint Swim Meet

The Volunteer sign-up sheet is now posted on the Barracuda's bulletin board for the Medical Northern Sprint Meet. As you are aware in order for your swimmer to participate in this swim meet we need the commitment of a parent to volunteer for a minimum of 2 sessions. There is also a cut off date of November 13th to sign up, after this date the swimmer will be scratched from the meet. This is as much a fun meet for the swimmer as well as the parent. As a volunteer you will get fed and have the best seat in the house to watch your swimmer.

I will be holding more timing courses in November, so keep an eye on the bulletin board.

If you have any questions regarding volunteering please contact Jerzy or myself only.


See you at the pool....


Christine Reid

Director of Officials



Sunday, 21 October 2012

346 [PGBSC Blog] Pre-Entry Notices for PGBSC Fall Invitational

This week the coaches will be handing out pre-entry notices for our Fall Invitational meet that will be held Nov 16 - 18.

THIS IS NOT an invoice. Invoices will be emailed to you within the next week. Payments can be made on-line by credit card or you can submit cheque payment to the coaches.

The purpose of this notice is to advise you and your swimmer(s) of the events they are entered in, our club policies on payment due dates, and volunteer requirements. Also, if your swimmer(s) are not participating in the meet please inform the coaches.

A swim meet cannot be held without the volunteer participation of parents. The sign-up sheet for volunteers with be posted soon on our bulletin board at the pool. There will also be Timing Clinics, Stroke & Turn Clinics, and Meet Manager Clinics scheduled for those who are interested in receiving training on the various roles needed to successfully host a meet.

If you have any questions about the meet and entries please contact the coaches at jerzy@pgbsc.org or jason@pgbsc.org. All questions regarding volunteering and training clinics please contact our Official Director Christine Reid at officials@pgbsc.org.

Andrew (Andy) Godden
Technical Director

Prince George Barracuda Swim Club

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Thursday, 18 October 2012

345 [PGBSC Blog] warm up times in Prince Rupert

Hi everyone.
The message is for everyone attending the Prince Rupert invitational this weekend.
Please arrive on deck 20 minutes prior to the beginning of warm ups!
Friday warm ups begin at 5pm
Saturday warm ups begin at 8am 
Anyone racing the 200 fly, 400 im, 800 free and/or 1500 free, there will be another warm up starting at 1pm
Sunday warm ups begin at 8am
The 'What To Do List' for swim meets can be found here http://www.pgbsc.org/what-to-do-a-swim-meet/
The club is staying at the Crest Hotel
The travelling with the club are to meet at the Aquatic Centre Friday morning at 5:40am.
If you have any questions, let me know.

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

344 [PGBSC Blog] Silent Auction

On Oct 27th we will be having a Silent Auction at our annual PGBSC Awards banquet.  We are looking for more donations to help make this Silent Auction a success.  If you know of any businesses who would like to contribute there is a donation request letter on the fundraising page of the PGBSC website that you can print at http://www.pgbsc.org/fundraising/ .

We have already received donations from the following businesses:  Coast Inn of the North, PG Direct Automotive, Hands On Car Wash, Boston Pizza, Books & Company, Canadian Tire, & the Sandman Hotel

 If you have any questions please contact me at cathie.fundraising@pgbsc.org


Tuesday, 16 October 2012

343 [PGBSC Blog] Prince Rupert Meet Accommodations

Just a note for those starting their traveling to Rupert on Thursday.  The club has a club rate at the Hudson Bay Lodge in Smithers, Reservations: 1 (800) 663-5040

Monday, 15 October 2012

342 [PGBSC Blog] practice cancellations

Hi everyone.
As the club is travelling to Prince Rupert this weekend, practices for Friday and Saturday will be cancelled for all groups, except, D3 and D2C on Friday and Masters on Saturday.
Y/N and Elite practices on Monday morning will also be cancelled.

Sunday, 14 October 2012

341 [PGBSC Blog] Fw: awards banquet

Only 2 days left to purchase your banquet tickets!
Monday October 15th 5:30 – 6:30 pm
Wednesday October 17th 6:30 –7:30 pm
The awards banquet is a fun evening for the whole
family to enjoy. Please make arrangements to
pick up your tickets on one of the posted days, so
you don't miss out.
Thank you

Thursday, 11 October 2012

340 [PGBSC Blog] Timing course

Hi Everyone

We are holding a Level One timing course for swim parents Tuesday Oct 16th from 5:30 – 6:30 and Oct 17th from 6:30-7:30 pm. This is a great time to learn how to operate the timing watches as well as prepare you for the upcoming meet November 16, 17 and 18th. The sign up sheet is on the barracudas bulletin board. The course will be held upstairs in the timing booth.

See you there....

Christine Reid
Director of Officials

339 [PGBSC Blog] Fwd: Prince Rupert Meet Payment Deadline.

This is just a friendly reminder that the payment for the Prince Rupert Swim Meet is due this Saturday 13 October. 

If you haven't already done so, you can make your payment through your Online PGBSC Member Account.  For instructions on how to use the Online PGBSC Member Account, please refer to Paying Your Swim Fees through the PGBSC Online Account document.

As always if you have questions please ask.

Andrew (Andy) Godden
Technical Director

Prince George Barracuda Swim Club

Tuesday, 9 October 2012


I will be at the pool tonight from 4:00 pm – 6:30 pm with samples of Innisbrook's products.  I will also have boxes of Purdy's Chocolate Bars  for anyone interested in purchasing them.

 Any questions please contact me at cathie.fundraising@pgbsc.org

 Cathie Godden

PGBSC Fundraising Director


337 [PGBSC Blog] Fwd: Please post this. Thank you!!!

I will be that the pool this week Tuesday from 6-7pm, Wednesday from 5-6pm and Thursday from 6-7pm to take clothing and backpack orders. I will be placing the order on Friday.


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Friday, 5 October 2012

336 [PGBSC Blog] Swim meet invoices

Yesterday you may have noticed, that the invoice for the coming Prince Rupert Swim Weet, as well as an invoice for a Regional Camp, have started to be delivered to your email account.  If your swimmer is registered in either of these events you will receive an invoice for the event. 


I wish to remind you that you can pay this invoice through your PGBSC online account with your credit card.  Your user name and password for your account was setup when you registered for the swim program, back in Sept.  Please refer to the follow document, on how to access your account http://dl.dropbox.com/u/28434754/Paying%20Your%20Swim%20Fees%20through%20the%20PGBSC%20Online%20Account.pdf.  If you wish to pay by cheque, please return the bottom portion of the email to the coaches with your payment.


Of course should you have questions please feel free to contact me or the Travel Director at travel@pgbsc.org.


Andy Godden

Technical Director


Prince George Barracuda Swim Club







This week at practice the coaches have been handing out bags with all the fall fundraising catalogues.  Please note that each brochure has a order due date sticker on the front cover.  If you need additional brochures please let me know as I have extra Purdy’s Christmas & Innisbrook catalogues.


I will be at the pool tomorrow morning from 8 – 10 am with samples of Innisbrook’s products.  I will also have boxes of Purdy’s Chocolate Bars  for anyone interested in purchasing them.  Thanksgiving is a great time to sale chocolate bars to friends and family.  They are $40/box and you earn a $20 fundraising credit.  Payment can be made with either cheque or cash.


Any questions please contact me at cathie.fundraising@pgbsc.org . I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving Long Weekend,


Cathie Godden

PGBSC Fundraising Director


Thursday, 4 October 2012

334 [PGBSC Blog] Thanksgiving Monday

Hi all.
Practices for all groups will be cancelled Thanksgiving Monday.  Enjoy the turkey!

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

333 [PGBSC Blog] Everyone planning to attend the Prince Rupert swim meet

Hi All Barracuda Families,

There have been a few requests for transportation via bus to Prince
Rupert for the swim meet.
The bus is a coach with the comfortable seats.

Travelling by bus is a great way to:
connect with other swimmers and parents en-route,
give students a chance to work on homework (perhaps),
let parents do some reading, work on their laptop, etc,
and is generally more restful than driving one's own vehicle.

If you are interested in taking the bus, but DID NOT sign up to travel
"with the club" please let me know.
If there are a sufficient number of people interested we can book a charter.
The cost will depend on the number of people interested, but I am
hoping for enough interest to make the cost approximately $125/person.
The team is planning to leave @ 5:45 Monday morning and will return
after the swim meet on Sunday afternoon.

Marilyn King
PGB Travel & Meet Director

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Monday, 1 October 2012

332 [PGBSC Blog] Fwd: Can you please post this

I will be at the pool this week...Tues from 6-7pm. Fri from 4-5pm And Sat from 9-10. To take clothing and back pack orders!!!!!

Sent from my iPad

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331 [PGBSC Blog] Emails from the Club's Registion System

Today is Oct 1 and therefore the registration system is processing payments as per the schedule, the members have setup when they registered their swimmers.  Therefore you may have received an email with the Subject “Payment Plan: Balance Due - Make payment within 5 business days” or “Payment Plan: Collected Payment Automatically”.


If you paid by Credit Card and set up auto payments you received the email “Payment Plan: Collected Payment Automatically”.  With this email your credit card has been charged automatically for the fees for your swimmer.  You most likely have receive this email twice for each swimmer you have in the club.  This is normal as it charges the Swim Fees and Fundraising Fees separately.


If you setup a payment schedule, Monthly or Semi-annually, with the club and are paying by cheque you may have received the email “Payment Plan: Balance Due - Make payment within 5 business days”.  Please ignore this email and all future email with this subject, as we have not been able to credit your account with the cheques you have provided the club and simply put, the system does not know you provided the cheques.


Finally If you setup a payment schedule, Monthly or Semi-annually, with the club and have not provided the club with cheques, and you intend to pay your fees by Credit Card, please follow the instructions in the email on how to pay your fees.  Also please consider setting up automatic payments with the club so future payments will be made automatically.


As always feel free to contact Carolyn registrar@pgbsc.org or myself if you have any questions.


Andy Godden

Technical Director


Prince George Barracuda Swim Club
