Monday, 5 March 2012

203 [PGBSC Blog] Fwd: Results of Investigation/Counselling

Subject: Results of Investigation/Counselling

1. Attached please find a copy of the Friday March 2nd at 1 pm
press release regarding the investigation into the chlorine incident
at Sam Ketchum Memorial Pool in Williams Lake which occurred on the
morning of Feb. 26. The document is in three parts as I had pdf
scanning issues that prevented me from saving it as one document.

2. Now that the official word is out, it is a bit easier to make
sense of the incident and how to move forward. I met with the Mayor,
the Director of Community Services, and the Acting Manager of Human
Resources all of the City of Williams Lake in three separate meetings
on Friday afternoon after the press release to once again raise the
issue of counseling services. The Acting Manager of Human Resources
had already been in contact with local counselors to get an idea about
the best course of action for this situation. The suggested course of
action has two steps:

a. A group counseling/debriefing session for swimmers and
parents from each club. This would mean a meeting in Prince George,
Quesnel and Williams Lake.

b. Possible one-on-one or family counseling for swimmers and
their families having the further difficulties.

3. As a first step, the Mayor of Williams Lake would like to
make a call to each of the clubs on Monday March 5. It is my belief
that the club president would be the most appropriate person to call
from each club.

4. As a second step, Acting Manager of Human Resources, Heather
Silvester, would also like speak by phone to a club contact, most
likely the club president again, to make arrangements for the group
counseling/debriefing session, and to discuss other possible
counseling needs. It would be my suggestion that the calls could
occur together, with Mayor Cook holding her conversation with the club
president first, then turning the phone over to the Heather
Silvester, or a conference/speaker phone setup.

a. Please forward to me a phone number and time for a Monday
call to me by Sunday March 4, evening.

5. As time goes on, medical and mental health issues are
arising. It is important that I am kept abreast of these developments
as we move forward to finding solutions and closure to this situation.

Jerome Beauchamp


Swim BC


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