Wednesday, 18 April 2012


SWIM-A-THON envelopes were handed out in March.  The envelope contains Pledge Forms, Tax Receipt Affidavit, and a Remittance Envelope.


Pledge Form - Pledges can be per length (up to 200 lengths) or a "flat rate" for completing the event. Please print all of your sponsor's information.  Swim BC will not accept any illegible or incomplete forms. Pledges must include the sponsor's relationship to swimmer i.e. parent, family, or friend.  Sponsor's mailing address will be considered incomplete without a postal code.

Tax Receipt Affidavit - The Tax Receipt Affidavit must be completed by the swimmer's parent(s).  Tax receipts will not be issued without an Affidavit.


Remittance Envelope – Fill out the swimmers information on the envelope and keep all your pledge money together in the envelope.


**VERY IMPORTANT** Do not submit your completed SWIM-A-THON forms until all your pledges have been collected.  Everything needs to be submitted together, in the white SWIM-A-THON envelope, with the swimmers or family name clearly printed on the envelope.


Additional SWIM-A-THON envelopes are available at the coaches table.


I will be set-up at a table to collect completed SWIM-A-THON envelopes prior to the event.  For those collecting pledges afterwards, the deadline to submit is May 5th.  Incomplete forms/envelopes will be returned to the parents to complete.


If you have any questions, please contact me at


Cathie Godden

Fundraising Director