We are still looking for 3 to 4 people that would be interested in working behind the scene with the timing equipment. Please sign up on the bulletin board or email Andy Godden at webmaster@pgbsc.org.
Electronics operational. This position involves operation of the timing system during the meet. You will be working in a team of 6 people and need to be available about 1 hour before the meet and during the meet. This position allows you to get a behind the scene view of the meet and is very important to recording and verifying the result of the races.
No previous experience is required for these positions and training is provided. If you feel one of these positions is right for you, please contact Andy Godden,webmaster@pgbsc.org or 250-617-2503.
New Policy
Each participating swimmer of the club must be represented by a volunteer during the weekend of the swim meet. We understand there may be extenuating circumstances that may preclude you from volunteering and, if so, please contact Christine Reid, Officials Director at 962-2047
Andy Godden
Prince Geotrge Barracuda Swim Club
( (250) 617-2503
Website: pgbsc.org