Sunday, 20 November 2011

138 [PGBSC Blog] Great big Thank you

Hi Everyone

A Great Big thank you to all parents that volunteered to make the Prince George Northern Medical Sprint Meet such a success. I hope you enjoyed yourself and maybe met some new friends along the way. This meet is all about the swimmers, but it is all the parent volunteers that make this meet possible. If you enjoyed yourself so much and want to know more about other positions than timing, how about the next level Stroke and Turn. Stroke and turn is not as scary as you may think. It is a little more stimulating than pushing a button and you still get the best seat in the house to see your swimmers. Also, the course educates you as a  parent on the different elements of the stroke and turn, so that you are aware of what the judges are looking for. I usually hold these courses on Saturday which requires you to read over the material the night before and work with the instructor at pool side Saturday morning for 2.5 – 3  hrs. If you are interested, check the web site out: BCSOA – look under clinics and you will find all the courses. I will try to offer another course in the next few weeks if not the new year.
Enjoy the rest of the day off and put your feet up. Job well done......
Christine Reid
Director of Officials for PGSC

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