Monday, 7 November 2011

120 [PGBSC Blog] Jerzy

Good Afternoon everyone.
You may or may not have heard by now, about the incident that happened over the weekend regarding Jerzy, the Head Coach of the Barracudas.
On Saturday, after returning home from practice, Jerzy went about putting winter tires on his families vehicles.  Unfortunately, he neglected to put the e-brake on and tragedy happened in the form of Jerzy getting stuck under the car and car rolling over him.
He was rushed to the hospital with a crushed liver and badly bruised body.
At the time, doctors told his family that he would be in the hospital for, at least, 5 days; maybe more.  He may have also suffered a fractured or broken pelvis.  There was a possibility of surgery today.
... I spoke with him earlier this afternoon.  He is still in the hospital.  He sounded really good.  A little tired, but a strong voice none the less.  He had his first walk.  He will not need surgery.  He does not have a fractured pelvis and if all goes well with the rest of today and overnight, he could be home tomorrow. 
Keep your fingers cross!