The heat sheets for this weekend swim meet have been uploaded to the PGBSC website and can be found at under meet results. In addition this weekend there wil be real time meet results posted to the website as well. Again you can find these at ,
You may also wish to view the heatsheet or result on your IOS device (Iphone, Ipad), Android device (Samsung Galaxy tab, Google phone, etc.). Please download one of the following apps from ITunes or Android Marketplace.
IOS device (Iphone, Ipad)
■ "ITunes/Live Splits"
■ "ITunes/Live Results"
■ "ITunes/Meet Results"
Android device (Samsung Galaxy tab, Google phone, etc.)
■ "Android Market/Live Results"
Finally there will be WiFi this weekend. The login information is as follows
SSID AquaticCentreWireless
Username: Aquatic Centre
Password: Barracuda
Please find instruction on how to hook up to the WiFi at
Please fire me off a question, if you like at
Andy Godden
Webmaster PGBSC
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