Friday, 31 October 2014

[Prince George Barracuda Swim Club News] - Notice to send out

Prince George Barracuda Swim Club
[Prince George Barracuda Swim Club News] - Notice to send out
Hi Blog PGBSC,

Here is the News information:
News Title:Notice to send out
News Date:10/31/2014

 Hello Everyone:

I just want to remind everyone that I am asking families to sign up their swimmer’s name if he/she is planning on attending the Club photo session.  There is a sign-up list on the bulletin board at the pool.  This will give me an idea of the number of people who will be attending.

I am encouraging all swimmers to attend the photo session at UNBC on November 8, 2014 at 1:45pm.  This is a whole club photo and so we would like as many swimmers there as possible.  You do not need to purchase a photo in order to attend.


If you would like to pre-order an 8x10 photo, you can order it online or through me.  The cost is $15.00 per photo. 



Sarah Stratton


Visit Us Online at:

Prince George Barracuda Swim Club
P.O. Box 551
Prince George, BC V2L 4S8?
250 964 6103
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