Regal's Spring catalogue is effective until April 30th. Earn 30% FRL credits on every order. All ordering is done on our on-line store at and delivered directly to your home.
Purdy's Easter 2013 earns a fundraising credit of 25% of your total order(s). Purdy's has two options for ordering:
Option 1: Submit your order forms directly to me with attach cheque(s) made out to PGBSC for the total amount of your order(s). If you are submitting multiple orders please use separate forms for each person ordering and include both your name, and the name of the person who ordered from you, with the information on the form.
Option 2: Use Purdy's easy online ordering feature using a Visa or MasterCard for payment and you can send out 'invite emails' family and friends.
v To register as a member with Prince George Barracuda Swim Club, please go to:
v Or go to and click on 'Sign Up'.
v Click on 'Sign Up as Group Member'.
v Fill in your contact information, create your own personal password, and then click 'Register'.
v On the next place type in the invite code 7227-6673.
v Then click 'Join Group'.
v You can browse the marketplace and place your order.
Barracuda Order Deadline is: March 6th
Expected Delivery Date: March 18th
If you have any questions please contact me at
Fundraising Director