Friday, 1 February 2013

422 [PGBSC Blog] Swimmer Travel Subsidies

The PGBSC Executive wishes to provide updated information for its members and parents regarding the Club's current budget deficit. In the past, the Club has offered hotel room subsidies for swimmers travelling with the club at regular meets and travel subsidies for swimmers who qualify for AAA level meets and above. Due to the Club's current financial deficit, the Club will have exhausted its allocated 2012-2013 budget for swimmer travel subsidies by the end of short course season. As a result, effective at the beginning of long course season April 8th 2013, the Club will no longer be providing the option of travel subsidies for any swimmer. The executive will consider reinstating travel subsidies in the 2013-14 season dependent on Club financials and budget. For those swimmers whom continue to choose to travel with the club, the costs of hotel rooms will be equalized amongst all swimmers. For example, if your swimmer is traveling to long course AAA's, your swimmer will pay for flight/travel costs. Any swimmer travelling with the Club will split costs of rooms (example: there are 2 boys and 3 girls, the cost of two rooms would be split by 5 swimmers).

The executive recognizes these changes will impact swimmers and their families. We will continue to work towards solutions to address the budget deficit and keep our membership informed. Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Karen Lange, Barracudas Executive Assistant