Tuesday, 24 July 2012

300 [PGBSC Blog] summer games results swimming

The following are swimming results of members of the Barracuda Swim Club from the 2012 BC Summer Games in Surrey.  The meet was short course.
Jason Smith was the Head Coach for Zone 8 (Williams Lake, Quesnel, PG, Chetwynd and Fort St John)
The Club was also represented by 3 officials, Kathy Norn, Kerim Ozcan and Larry Chrobot.
Adrian Lamb
33rd 50 free 30.87 Best time
7th 100 breast 1:16.66 BT
25th 200 back 2:55.97 BT
23rd 200 im 2:48.63 BT
8th 200 breast 2:49.48 BT
34th 100 free 1:09.75 BT
23rd 1500 free 21:58.72 BT
Samantha Agliani
16th 100 breast 1:28.01 BT
19th 200 fly 3:11.44 BT
42nd 200 free 2:33.07 BT
34th 400 free 5:26.91 BT
16th 200 breast 3:10.54 BT
34th 200 im 2:52.46 BT
38th 800 free 11:26.52 BT
Kathryn Chrobot
2nd 400 im 5:24.01 BT
1st 200 back 2:27.40 BT, Age Group National and Western Canadian Championship standard
13th 200 fly 2:57.24 BT
2nd 200 breast 2:49.04 BT
1st 100 back 1:08.73 BT
9th 100 free 1:05.48 BT
12th 800 free 10:20.41
Kayla Korolek
18th 400 im 5:55.86 BT
17th 200 fly 3:06.30 BT
38th 200 free 2:30.79 BT
24th 100 fly 1:19.51 BT
21st 200 im 2:47.98 BT
34th 100 back 1:21.75 BT
26th 800 free 10:53.62 BT
Emma Williams
20th 400 im 5:57.20 BT
23rd 100 breast 1:32.15
20th 200 fly 3:12.29
28th 100 fly 1:21.45 BT
18th 200 breast 3:12.88 BT
37th 100 back 1:22.29 BT
39th 800 free 11:33.19 BT
Morgan Norn
25th 400 im 6:07.08 BT
29th 200 back 2:49.18
49th 200 free 2:39.31
37th 400 free 5:32.00 BT
21st 200 breast 3:14.51
21st 100 back 1:16.89
37th 800 free 11:26.29
Jordan Ozcan
9th 400 im 5:20.33 BT
3rd 100 breast 1:15.56 BT Age Group National standard
11th 200 fly 2:42.84 BT
9th 400 free 4:46.27 BT
9th 100 fly 1:09.13 BT
6th 200 breast 2:45.75 BT
11th 1500 free 18:58.46 BT
Brianna Pallot
18th 50 free 30.32 BT
30th 200 back 2:49.36 BT
38th 400 free 5:39.17 BT
26th  200 im 2:50.45 BT
47th 100 free 1:11.41 BT
47th 200 free 2:37.21
43rd 800 free 11:54.19 BT