As many of you are aware our Northern Medical Sprints Meet is fast approaching! The dates of the Meet are November, 21-23th. In order for this meet to be successful we require many volunteers. It takes about 75 people each day of the meet. We need people in the following areas:
- Timers – this is where we need the most people and if you have never done this before you will be matched up with someone who is experienced in timing. You will be shown how to run the plunger which is the backup time for the electronic pads that are at the end of each lane.- 40+ timers needed
- Referees, Starters, Stroke and Turn Judges, Chief Timer,– training is required for these positions – if you are trained for these positions please indicate this when you sign up. – 16-20 people needed
- Electronics – You spend your time up in the electronics room or on the scaffolding in the shallow end. The times from the electronic pads are transferred into a computer and you make sure the times come in correctly - 6 people needed
- Meet Manager Program – once the times from the electronics are verified it is then transferred to the meet manager program. From here the times are confirmed and eventually sent out to where it can be viewed online. - 2 people needed and is covered.
- Food: every volunteer is supplied with food during the meet. We need about 6 people per day to help out with this. We need 2-3 more people to help out with this.
If you have not been able to register on line, please contact Georgie Gerula (officials@pgbsc.org) and I will walk you through the process. The closing date to sign up on line is November 8, 2014
I understand that we all have busy lives and may not be able to volunteer during that weekend. If this is the case, please contact Georgie Gerula (officials@pgbsc.org ) and Jason (jason@pgbsc.org ) or Jerzy (jerzy@pgbsc.org ). THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT! If this is not communicated properly your child(ren) may be pulled from the meet. Every year it is hard to get volunteers for our meets or even time trials, so a few years ago it was made a requirement to volunteer; all 3 days of the meet, otherwise your child would be removed from the meet or time trial. We don’t want this to happen so please make sure Georgie, Jason or Jerzy are made aware if you are unable to volunteer. You can also have someone come in your place if that is an option. There are still many volunteer spots available, so if you can do an extra shift or have friends or family members that can help, please have them sign up. Our volunteers are the strength and success of our meet.
Thank you for your time,