Thursday, 31 July 2014

713 [PGBSC] 2014/2015 Registration

The registration has come to a close for another season.  But not to worry only 24 days till registration opens for the 2014/2015 swim season.

We have some exciting things happening for 2014/2015, and I am not just talking the swimming, or the racing, or just seeing your friends and the pool.

The Prince George Barracuda Swim Club will be introducing a new website for the 2014 / 2015 Swim Season.  Shortly after that we will introduce a new registration system.  Both of these new system are hosted by the fine folks at Team Unify. 

The new website and registration system will allow you to monitor your swimmers performance, from attendance to swim times and of course keep track of your account, from swim fees to FRL credits.  Best yet, you can do this from your computer or your mobile device.

Keep an eye out for these.  The website will go live on 22 August 2014 and the registration will go live on 24 August 2014.

Question, please send me an email at

Andy Godden

Technical Director


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You may also contact the PGBSC at:
Prince George Barracuda Swim Club,
Box 551,
Prince George, BC
V2L 4S8
Also you can send a email to, or call 250.617.2503 if you have any other concern.

Monday, 28 July 2014

712 [PGBSC] results from Age Goup Nationals

2014 Age Group Nationals, Winnipeg, Manitoba, July 2014

Seven swimmers travelled to Winnipeg to compete at the Age Group Nationals

30th overall

8 club records


Club Records

Girls 13-14

Hannah Esopenko

50 breast 33.90

100 breast 1:14.11


Girls 15-17

Haley Black

50 fly 27.85


Boys 15-17

Josiah Binnema

100 fly 55.66

50 back 27.64

50 fly 25.72



Sterling King

100 free 53.36

400 free 4:07.47


Individual Results

Haley Black

2nd 100 fly 1:01.56

9th 200 back 2:21.04

5th 400 im 5:02.03

7th 50 back 30.33

3rd 200 fly 2:16.58

16th 100 back 1:06.30

14th 200 im 2:25.81

4th 50 fly 27.85


Josiah Binnema

1st 100 fly 55.66

19th 200 back 2:17.17

21st 400 im 4:56.78

5th 50 back 27.64

10th 200 fly 2:11.48

5th 100 back 59.24

16th 200 im 2:16.32

3rd 50 fly 25.72


Sava Yungman

11th 100 fly 58.62

12th 200 fly 2:11.37

12th 800 free 8:51.55

24th 200 free 2:00.88

21st 200 im 2:15.41


Sterling King

14th 100 fly 59.12

10th 1500 free 16:46.35

14th 100 free 53.36

9th 200 free 1:56.56

9th 400 free 4:10.08



Julie Wing

4th 200 back 2:21.07

22nd 50 back 32.53

22nd 800 free 9:54.84

12th 100 back 1:07.82

30th 200 im 2:33.72


Patricia Fortier

13th 200 back 2:21.37

26th 400 im 5:15.63

59th 50 back 32.67

33rd 100 back 1:07.71

39th 200 breast 2:51.83

9th 200 im 2:24.93


Hannah Esopenko

5th 50 breast 34.36

11th 400 im 5:15.11

3rd 100 breast 1:14.11

19th 200 fly 2:32.28

14th 800 free 9:41.48

4th 200 breast 2:41.25

16th 200 im 2:31.50


Friday, 25 July 2014

711 [PGBSC] update to Long course Provincial results

Hi everyone,


Below are a couple of updates to the long course provincial results list that I sent out earlier.  Apologies and Congrats to both Kayla and Gareth. 


Major Championship Qualifiers


1st time Western Canadian Qualifier

Kayla Korolek 200 breast

Gareth Lamb 100 breast


710 [PGBSC] Long Course Provincial results

AAA Long Course Championships, Victoria July 2014

16 swimmers competed at this years’ long course provincial championship;  Haley Black, Patricia Fortier, Julie Wing, Hannah Esopenko, Skylar Lewington, Kayla Korolek, Alexandra Winkel, Jenna Stevens, Josiah Binnema, Gareth Lamb, Adrian Lamb, Jordan Ozcan, Brayden Phillips, Mackenzie Lewington, Jackson Girard and Sava Yungman

13th overall

2 club records


Major Championship Qualifiers


1st time Senior National Qualifier

Julie Wing 200 back


1st time Age Group National Qualifier

Kayla Korolek


Club Records

Girls 15-17

Julie Wing

200 back 2:19.54


Boys 15-17

Josiah Binnema

200 back 2:08.02


Top 8 Individual results


Haley Black

100 back, 100 fly, 400 im



Patricia Fortier

200 im, 400 im

Julie Wing

200 back



Haley Black

200 fly

Hannah Esopenko

200 breast



Josiah Binnema

100 back

Haley Black

200 im

Patricia Fortier

200 back

Jordan Ozcan

400 free

Brayden Phillips

400 free

Alexandra Winkel



Kayla Korolek

400 free

Mackenzie Lewington

400 im



Josiah Binnema

100 fly

Haley Black

200 back


100 breast

Julie Wing

100 back

Mackenzie Lewington

200 im

Brayden Phillips

400 free, 100 breast



Hannah Esopenko

800 free, 100 breast, 200 im

Skylar Lewington

800 free

Mackenzie Lewington

100 back



Julie Wing

800 free

Mackenzie Lewington

800 free, 100 breast


Thursday, 24 July 2014

709 [PGBSC] Senior National results

2014 Canadian Swimming Championships, Winnipeg

25th overall

6 club records

Haley Black made the Canadian team that will compete at the Junior Pan Pacific Championships in Hawaii Aug 27-30


Club Records


Katie Mann

100 breast 1:12.89

200 breast 2:32.13

200 im 2:18.30

400 im 4:54.26


Girls 15-17

Haley Black

100 fly 1:01.29

200 fly 2:15.44


Individual Results

Katie Mann

100 breast 5th ‘B’ final 1:12.89

200 breast 6th A final 2:32.13

200 im 4th ‘A’ final 2:18.30

400 im 4th ‘A’ final 4:54.26


Patricia Fortier

100 back 50th 1:07.97

200 back 9th ‘B’ final 2:22.21

400 im 29th 5:11.18


Haley Black

50 back 6th ‘B’ final 30.59

100 back 34th 1:06.44

200 back 21st 2:22.03

100 fly 1st ‘B’ final 1:01.29

200 fly 2nd ‘A’ final 2:15.44

200 im 37th 2:28.62

400 im 22nd 5:08.75


Sava Yungman

200 free 57th 1:58.57

100 fly 51st 58.14

200 fly 27th 2:09.13


Sterling King

200 free 45th 1:57.06

400 free 51st 4:13.10

800 free 24th 8:37.79

200 im 47th 2:14.91

400 im 32nd 4:56.26


Thursday, 3 July 2014

708 [PGBSC] Fwd: Vote for Isabel


Isabel Stratton is one of the top 2 finalists in the Northern Health Mascot Contest. we go again....  :)  The only difference with this one, is that the contest was open to everyone and all ages...not just kids.  They are asking people to vote for their favourite mascot.  The winner gets to be a torch bearer in the Canada Games, along with having their mascot design made into a mascot.


The voting is open for 2 weeks.  Isabel drew Spirit, the Caribou. 

Here is the link: