Wednesday, 5 February 2014

642 [PGBSC] PGBSC Registar email address.

Good morning...

It appears several club members have been receiving emails from the PGBSC Registrar with hyperlinks or files that if you click on the file or hyperlink, will run a script on your computer.  

Please, we ask you that if you receive a email like this, please do not run the file or hyperlink.  The PGBSC Registrar does not send you files to run on your computer.

In addition the only email address you will get an email from the registrar is, or  If you get a email from or some version of this, it is not a email from the club.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

Andy Godden
Technical Director

DO NOT REPLY. This email is sent from an unattended server. If you need more information contact the person listed in the email.

This email was sent to you because you provided an email address, at registration, with the Prince George Barracuda Swim Club (PGBSC) or subscribed at Its' intentions is to keep you informed with the latest information from the PGBSC.
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
Also you can send a email to, if you have any other concern. Please use this method, before contacting GOOGLE directly.