The PGBSC annual year end BBQ is fast approaching:
When: Sunday June 2nd
Where: Fort George Park Shelter
Time: 3:30 - 6:30 pm
A sign up notice has been put up on the bulletin board at the pool.
Please let us know if you will be able to attend and what food item
you can bring. The club will provide burgers, hotdogs and drinks for
the BBQ. We ask each family to bring a fruit or veggie plate, salad
or dessert. Please sign up on or before May 29th.
I will also be collecting for coaches gifts over the next few weeks.
You are under no obligation to contribute, but any money raised will
go towards thank you gifts for all the hard work and dedication
our coaches have put into our children over the year. These gifts will
be presented to the coaches at the BBQ. Cards will be available for
all of the swimmers to sign. A schedule will be posted shortly on what
days I will be at the pool for card signing/donation collection.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
Kelly Esopenko