Tuesday, 31 May 2011


Good evening everyone.
As the Kamloops meet is this coming weekend, there are few items I need to pass on.
1.  All practices for Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Monday (June 2-6) for the D2AB, D1, J/S Dev, Elite and Y/N groups will be cancelled.  The Swim School program, D3, D2C and Masters groups all have regular    scheduled practices.
2.  Those travelling with the club will be leaving from the Aquatic Centre Thursday morning at 10am SHARP!
3.  There will be a practice in Kamloops Thursday evening at 5pm for approx 40 minutes for those swimmers in Y/N, Elite, and D1.  For those of you who will be in Kamloops at that time, see you at the pool!
4.  Please click on the following link http://www.pgbsc.org/parents then click on the 'What To Do List' at Swim Meets for information on what to bring, etc.
5.  As the weather in Kamloops is going to be hot this weekend (in the high 20's), please remember to BRING bottled water and drink lots.  This is for both parents and swimmers.
6.  Preliminary warm ups for those in D2C, D2AB and D1 start at 7am Friday, Saturday and Sunday.  Preliminary warm ups for those in Elite and Y/N start at 7:35am.  Please arrive 20 minutes before the start of warm ups.
7. Finals warm ups begin at 4pm Friday, Saturday and Sunday.  Please arrive 20 minutes before the start of warm ups.  12 and over Relays on Friday and Saturday will be at the end of Finals! 
That's all for now. 
See you in Kamloops!