Tuesday, 31 May 2011


Good evening everyone.
As the Kamloops meet is this coming weekend, there are few items I need to pass on.
1.  All practices for Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Monday (June 2-6) for the D2AB, D1, J/S Dev, Elite and Y/N groups will be cancelled.  The Swim School program, D3, D2C and Masters groups all have regular    scheduled practices.
2.  Those travelling with the club will be leaving from the Aquatic Centre Thursday morning at 10am SHARP!
3.  There will be a practice in Kamloops Thursday evening at 5pm for approx 40 minutes for those swimmers in Y/N, Elite, and D1.  For those of you who will be in Kamloops at that time, see you at the pool!
4.  Please click on the following link http://www.pgbsc.org/parents then click on the 'What To Do List' at Swim Meets for information on what to bring, etc.
5.  As the weather in Kamloops is going to be hot this weekend (in the high 20's), please remember to BRING bottled water and drink lots.  This is for both parents and swimmers.
6.  Preliminary warm ups for those in D2C, D2AB and D1 start at 7am Friday, Saturday and Sunday.  Preliminary warm ups for those in Elite and Y/N start at 7:35am.  Please arrive 20 minutes before the start of warm ups.
7. Finals warm ups begin at 4pm Friday, Saturday and Sunday.  Please arrive 20 minutes before the start of warm ups.  12 and over Relays on Friday and Saturday will be at the end of Finals! 
That's all for now. 
See you in Kamloops!

Monday, 30 May 2011

FW: Please add to web calender. Thanks!


The Information for accommodations at AA swim meet  in Kelowna is available at http://www.pgbsc.org/Meet_Packages.html



June 24th – June 26th, 2011

Jerzy will notify the swimmers who are qualified for this swim meet as certain provincial standards are required and certain exclusions apply.


Check-in: Thursday, June 23rd

Check-out: Monday, June 27th

(4 nights)


Block of rooms reserved under PG Barracuda Swim Club

Reservation Code (quote when booking): CGPGB1

Block reservation booking deadline: Monday, May 23rd, 2011



2649 Highway 97N Kelowna, BC

250-868-3297 Ext. 308

1-800-337-7177 Toll Free


Rooms & Rates:

Rate $ 83/night/room + taxes for all room types

Ø 4 standard rooms with 2 queen beds (fridge in the room)

Ø 4 deluxe rooms with 2 queen beds (microwave, stove-top, and fridge in room)

Ø 4 rooms with 1 queen bed & pull-out sofa bed (microwave, stove-top, and fridge in room)

Thursday, 26 May 2011

FW: Emailing: Accomodations - AAA LC Provincial Championships

The Accommodations - AAA LC Provincial Championships document is now available on the PGBSC website at http://www.pgbsc.org/Meet_Packages.html


Your message is ready to be sent with the following file or link attachments:
Accommodations - AAA LC Provincial Championships

Mrs. King

Travel & Meet Director

Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Year End BBQ

Just want to remind everyone the Year End BBQ is fast approaching…and time is running out…only three dates left!


Re:  Coaches Appreciation Gifts (donations) & signing cards. 


I will be at the pool the following dates & times - to collect donations for the coaches appreciation gifts ($5.00 to $10.00) & have the cards for the kids to sign.   You are absolutely under no obligation to donate to the gifts.  We encourage all the kids to sign the cards whether a donation is made or not.


Ø  Thursday, May 26th 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm


Ø  Saturday, May 28th 8:00 am – 9:30 am


Ø  Wednesday,  June 1st 5:00pm - 6:30pm 


Thank you,

Anna Agliani

PGBSC – Social Coordinator

Drivers still needed

Further to my message of last week, I’m still looking for drivers for the Mega Sale.  Please let me know if you’re are available this Thursday, May 26, 2011 at 8:45 am for approximately 3-4 hours and Saturday, June 4, 2011 at approximately 4:00 pm. for 3- 4 hours as well.  I will provide you with more info as soon as you respond.  Please email me at sheila_nelson@cflca.com by Wednesday, May 25, 2011 noon if you can help out.


For those of you who have already responded, thanks and I should have already emailed you back with the details.


Best Regards,

Sheila Nelson, CA  

Friday, 20 May 2011

Fwd: Drivers Start Your Engines

Andy, please send out to all Club members:


Hello all parents:


It's that time of the year to do some driving.  For those of you who haven't done this in the past, PG Motors (Ford) is looking for drivers to take vehicles from the dealership to CN Centre for their annual Mega Sale.  A shuttle takes you back to the dealership where you will pick up another car, take it to CN Centre, shuttle back to the dealership, etc.  Depending on the number of volunteers, you can expect to drive at least 10 different vehicles (and no, you don't have to know how to drive a standard).


I am looking for drivers for Thursday, May 26th, 2011 starting at 9:00 am and Saturday, June 4, 2011 (this is the Kamloops meet weekend)
starting at 4:00 pm.  Expect to work at least 3-4 hours.


Ford will provide us some money to do this and it will be allocated to your FRL account.  In the past, this has been a pretty easy way to get some money to your account, it's lots of fun and you get to drive many different types of vehicles.  .


Please email me directly with the number of drivers and the dates you are able to drive.  My email address is: sheila_nelson@cflca.com.  For those that volunteer, I will be communicating directly with you to give you the full details.


Thanks for volunteering and see you at the pool!

Thursday, 19 May 2011


The deadline to submit your completed SWIM-A-THON packages is this Saturday, May 21st.  Please give them to either the coaches are myself.  Both the affidavit and pledge forms must be completed and included with the money that you've collected.  We cannot submit to Swim BC without them and your FRL's will not be credited.  Forms are located at http://www.pgbsc.org/Fund_Raising.html on the website if you no longer have them.


Cathie Godden



Wednesday, 18 May 2011

last practice in June

Hi everyone.
If you are not attending Long Course AA Championships, Provincials, and/or Age Group Nationals, your last practice is Friday June 24.
Enjoy the summer! 

monday may 23

Hi everyone,
As it is the start of the long weekend this Saturday, practices for all groups on Monday May 23 are cancelled.
Enjoy the weekend everyone.

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

deadline for Kamloops fees

Hi everyone,
This email is for everyone attending, or wishing to attend, the Kamloops meet first weekend of June. 
The deadline for your Kamloops fees is tomorrow Wednesday May 18. 
You may pay by cheque, cash in an envelope with name on the front, or using your fundraising levy.  In which case, you must hand in the invoice that was given to you last week, stating your use of the FRL.
If you have already made payment, please disregard this email.

Monday, 16 May 2011

coaches appreciation gifts (donations) & signing cards

Re:  Coaches Appreciation Gifts (donations) & signing cards. 


I will be at the pool the following dates & times - to collect donations for the coaches appreciation gifts ($5.00 to $10.00) & have the cards for the kids to sign.   You are absolutely under no obligation to donate to the gifts.  We encourage all the kids to sign the cards whether a donation is made or not.


Please don't delay, as there are only six days that I will be available at the pool:


Ø  Wednesday, May 18th 5:00 pm – 6:30 pm

Ø  Thursday, May 19th 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm

Ø  Saturday, May 21st 8:00 am – 9:30 am


Ø  Wednesday, May 25th 5:00 pm – 6:30 pm

Ø  Thursday, May 26th 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm

Ø  Saturday, May 28th 8:00 am – 9:30 am


Thank you,

Anna Agliani

PGBSC – Social Coordinator

Friday, 13 May 2011

year end BBQ

Every year at the Annual Year End BBQ - we present all of our coaches with a gift showing our appreciation for all of their hard work throughout the swim season.  We also encourage all the swimmers to sign the cards and we present those with the gifts.  We collect donations from families who wish to contribute to these gifts.  I am looking for  a volunteer who would be willing to be at the pool to collect these donations and have the cards for the kids to sign.    


If you are interested in helping out with this - please email me as soon as possible.


Thank you,

Anna Agliani

PGBSC - Social Event Coordinator

Thursday, 12 May 2011

400 and 1500 free time trial

Good morning everyone,
The 400 and 1500 freestyle time trial is fast approaching, Saturday May 21.  Kids in the D2AB group will be swimming the 400 freestyle and kids in the D1, Elite and Y/N groups will be swimming the 1500 freestyle.  If you will not be participating, please let Jerzy or myself know ASAP.

400 and 1500 time trial

To Parents of D2 AB and C/ D1/ Elite/ Youth/National
The one and only time trial for this year is coming up May 21st. We will need your participation in order for your swimmer to participate. This is a 1500/400m freestyle sanction time trial. The warm up will begin at 8:00 – 8:30 am and the start time will be at 8:40 am.
There will be a meeting of parents participating at 8:15 am in the lobby of the Aquatic Centre. the sign up sheet will be posted on the bulletin board by Tuesday next week.
See you at the pool.......
Christine Reid
Director of Officials

red nose

Hi Everyone,

We are currently updating all the FRL (fund raising levy) accounts and we want to confirm and cross check who participated for Red
Nose at Christmas.  Please send me an email (
cwdbailey@shaw.ca) with the names and dates you participated so we can make sure they
are correctly added to you account.  We would like to have your information no later then May 15, 2011.

Chris Bailey

Friday, 6 May 2011

SwimBC Invites Input Into Strategic Plan

Check out Swim BC webpage....

SwimBC Invites Input Into Strategic Plan

Swim BC's current strategic plan will expire after the London Games in 2012.  For this reason we have initiated the process of reviewing and preparing our next plan that will take us through 2016.

Swim BC invites its members to take a moment to complete this online questionnaire which will assist our planning group going forward.

In completing the questionnaire, if a particular question does not apply to you or your situation, or if you have insufficient information to respond, simply skip the question. Your answers will not be published and will be kept anonymous and confidential.

The results of questionnaire will only be used, once analyzed, for observations and recommendations aimed at better understanding the strenghts, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) of Swim BC, thus helping to define the primary strategic objectives for the next few years. 

Swim BC would like to thank everyone for taking the time and contributing to our development and success. Your contribution is important and most valued to help elevate the sport of Swimming and Swim BC to the next level of excellence.


 Mark J. Schuett, Executive Director – Swim BC


Thursday, 5 May 2011


This email is for those families attending the meet in Kelowna this weekend.
Good afternoon coaches,
I have just received word that we can start warm up at 7am on Sunday. They will open the doors at 6.45am. The meet will start at 8am. Please view the revised session report with the updated time outs and please let all your parents know of the time change! Also note that we will be double laning the 800/1500 on Friday night so that session will be approximately 1.5 hours shorter.   Please confirm that you received this email so I know you all are aware of the the change.
Shannon Dunlop

Kelowna Meet Manager

Monday, 2 May 2011

year end BBQ

The Annual Year End BBQ is fast approaching.  The BBQ will take place Sunday June 12 at the shelter in Fort George Park starting at 3:00pm and going until 7:00pm.  Sign up sheets will be up on the bulletin board shortly.

If you have any questions about the BBQ, please email Anna Agliani at assitsocial@pgbsc.org



Sunday, 1 May 2011

Practice cancellations May 5 to 9

Due to the club travelling to Kelowna May 5 to 9, there will be practice cancellations for the following groups:
Y/N and Elite
All practices are cancelled May 5 to May 9.  Jerzy and Jason will be sending individual practices to those not attending Kelowna.
Friday May 6 dryland and swimming cancelled
J/S Dev
Friday May 6 cancelled
Sat May 7 dryland cancelled
If you have any questions regarding the cancellation of your childs' practice, please speak with either Jerzy or Jason

May and June schedule

Just a small reminder that the May and June practice schedule goes into effect tomorrow (Monday May 2).  Please check the website for the updated schedule.