Monday, 24 September 2018

[Prince George Barracuda Swim Club News] - Board of Directors - description of duties

Prince George Barracuda Swim Club
[Prince George Barracuda Swim Club News] - Board of Directors - description of duties
Hi Blog PGBSC,

Here is the News information:
News Title: Board of Directors - description of duties
News Date: 09/24/2018

As was mentioned in a previous email, a number of positions will be opening on the PGBSC Board of Directors. Included below is a description of the Executive structure along with a description of duties for the position on the board. If you have any question about a position please contact the current Director/Officer of said position by clicking on the "Contact Us" tab on the PGBSC website.

12.8 Executive

  1. The Executive shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting to be held in the fall and the elected Officers or Directors shall take office on the 1st day of November in each year.
  2. Nominations for the election of Officers and Directors shall be governed by the following:
  1. At least one month prior to the election in October, the executive shall appoint a nominating committee consisting of three Voting Members in good standing, the chairman of which shall be an Executive member past or present of the Society.
  2. The nominating committee shall prepare a slate of candidates for Officers or Directors, subject to the consent of each nominee and distribute the list of same with the notice of the meeting at which the elections are to take place.  
  3. Other nominations may be made in writing to the Chairman by any two Voting Members with the consent of the nominee, or nominations will be called from the floor prior to the elections.
  4. Any Voting Member is good standing is eligible to hold office.
  5. The Chairman may at his discretion call for the election by secret ballot.

3. The Executive shall consist o the following officers, namely, President, Vice-President, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary and Treasurer, and the number of Directors as determined from time to time by the Voting Members by Ordinary Resolution. Notwithstanding the provisions of section 22 hereof, the nominating committee, with the majority approval of the Voting Members at the Annual General Meeting, may elect to combine the positions of Recording Secretary and Corresponding Secretary for any given year so that both positions are filled by the same person.

4. Officers shall be elected in even numbered years and Directors shall be elected in odd numbered years. Casual vacancies occurring during a term shall be filled:

  1. By an Ordinary Resolution of the Annual General Meeting if the casual vacancy is caused by the removal of a Director by the Special Resolution of an Annual General Meeting; or
  2. By the Executive if the casual vacancy occurs in any other fashion.

An Executive Member in choosing to run for another position on the Executive need not resign from his or her office but upon election shall immediately resign from his or her former executive position. Vacancies occurring in this manner will be dealt with, by election, at the time of resignation.

5.   Duties of the Executive generally are as follows:

  1. The Directors and Officers shall manage, or supervise the management of, the affairs and business of the Society and shall have the authority to exercise all such powers of the Society as are not, by the Society Act or by the Constitution or these By-Laws, required to be exercised by the Society in Annual General Meetings.
  2. Officers and Directors are to attend all Executive and Annual General Meetings and any Officer or Director, who fails to attend three consecutive meetings without good cause, shall, at the discretion of the membership by Special Resolution upon receiving the recommendations of the Executive, cease to be an Officer or Director and may be replaced as aforesaid.
  3. The Officers and Directors shall receive no remuneration for their service and no person receiving remuneration or honorariums from the Society may hold an elected office.
  4. The Directors and Officers shall have the power to make regulation from time to time respecting the management of the affairs and the business of the Society.

6.   Duties of the Officers are as follows:

  1. President

The President shall call and preside at all meetings of the Society, and shall carry out such duties as may be imposed upon him from time to time by resolution of the Executive, and assist the Executive and committee members as required.

  1. Vice-President

The Vice-President shall co-operate in all matters with the President and in his absence, shall act in his stead and from time to time assist the Executive and committee members as required.

  1. Recording Secretary

The Recording Secretary shall prepare and keep the minutes of all the meetings of the Society and within fifteen (15) days shall provide copies of the minutes to the Executive members and make a copy available to the club newspaper edition for publication. The Recording Secretary shall keep a certified copy of the Constitution and By-Laws in the minute book, together with a copy of the Society Act, and shall perform and carry out such duties as may be prescribed from time to time by the President or the Executive.

  1. Corresponding Secretary

The Corresponding Secretary shall receive and distribute the incoming mail or any other communications relating to the club that may arise, and shall keep and maintain the club's files and records. The Corresponding Secretary shall provide a permanent list of all incoming and outgoing correspondence relating to the activities of the Society and shall make the list available at all Executive and Annual General Meetings of the Society. The Corresponding Secretary shall perform and carry out such duties as may be prescribed from time to time by the President or the Executive.

  1. Treasurer

The Treasurer shall be responsible for the proper records of account, and banking records of the Society, and shall, from time to time, see that the Officers and Directors are in full possession of all necessary information in regard to the finances of the Society. The Treasurer shall present a monthly report to the Executive or Voting Members and a balance sheet and statement of expenses for the year to the Annual General Meeting.

7.   Duties of the Directors are as follows:

  1. The number of Directors elected shall be responsible for the maintenance of the club's internal activities as generally described.
  2. Coordination and implementation of policies respecting fundraising, membership, programming, competition, meets and facilities, diving, synchronized swimming and any other activity undertaken by the Society from time to time.

8. The Head Coach of the club shall not hold a position on the Executive or have a vote at Executive meetings, but shall be required to attend Executive meetings for the purpose of providing input to the Executive if requested.


Visit Us Online at:

Prince George Barracuda Swim Club
P.O. Box 551
Prince George, BC V2L 4S8?
250 964 6103

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Sunday, 23 September 2018


Prince George Barracuda Swim Club
Hi Blog PGBSC,

Here is the News information:
News Date: 09/23/2018



The Prince George Barracudas Swim Club (PGBSC) conducts its annual elections to the Club's Board of Directors, at the Club's Annual General Meeting held in October-November. The Board of Directors wishes to inform the membership of anticipated vacancies for executive positions this fall:

  • President
  • Secretary
  • Fundraising Director

Further, the Board is actively seeking an individual interested in entering into a yearlong mentorship role, with the goal of assuming the position of Club Registrar in fall of 2019.

The person or person(s) elected to fulfil the above roles will be commitment to attend a 2-hour monthly executive meeting, scheduled in the evening hours, from Sept to June. Additional time commitments required to fulfill the responsibilities of each positions are variable. Please contact Jerzy Partyka for more information regarding the roles and responsibilities of the above executive positions.

A call for nominations for these executive positions will be made in October of 2018.


Visit Us Online at:

Prince George Barracuda Swim Club
P.O. Box 551
Prince George, BC V2L 4S8?
250 964 6103

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Sunday, 16 September 2018

[Prince George Barracuda Swim Club News] - Fall Banquet

Prince George Barracuda Swim Club
[Prince George Barracuda Swim Club News] - Fall Banquet
Hi Blog PGBSC,

Here is the News information:
News Title: Fall Banquet
News Date: 09/16/2018

The annual fall banquet will be at the Coast Hotel on Nov. 3rd.  Doors open at 4 pm.  Tickets are $20 per person and children under 5 years old are free.  I will be selling tickets at the aquatic centre later in October.   
We hope to see you all there!  Please let me know if you have any questions.

Karen Haseldine


Visit Us Online at:

Prince George Barracuda Swim Club
P.O. Box 551
Prince George, BC V2L 4S8?
250 964 6103

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Tuesday, 4 September 2018

[Prince George Barracuda Swim Club News] - Registration Information and Reminders

Prince George Barracuda Swim Club
[Prince George Barracuda Swim Club News] - Registration Information and Reminders
Hi Blog PGBSC,

Here is the News information:
News Title: Registration Information and Reminders
News Date: 09/04/2018


Barracuda Families:

Just a quick reminder that registration night is this Thursday September 6th from 5-7 pm. Please go online to register your child before that time, on Thursday please come to the pool to pick up your child's team gear and provide volunteers a copy of your paid invoice. All Swim BC fees, registration fees and outstanding balances must be paid before your child gets in the water. Swimming starts on Friday September 7th, please check the schedule tab for times and dates. We will be at the Four Seasons Pool the first month, and some group schedules have been altered due to limited lane space. We will resume our normal schedule once we are back at the Aquatic Centre in October. 

Swimmers in masters and fall swim school do not need to attend registration night, more information will be provided before these groups start swimming next month.

Please let me know if you have any questions, and we will see you all on Thursday evening.

Thank you



Visit Us Online at:

Prince George Barracuda Swim Club
P.O. Box 551
Prince George, BC V2L 4S8?
250 964 6103

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