Thursday, 27 March 2014

659 [PGBSC] Final Reminder for Purdy's Easter Fundraiser

Final reminder for Purdy's Easter Fundraiser – Order deadline is tomorrow March 28th


If you are submitting your order(s) manually, Sandra Lamb will be at the pool tonight between 6 – 7 pm, and on Friday 6 – 7:45 am, and 5 – 6 pm.


On-line orders go to



Thank you,


Sandra Lamb

Fundraising Coordinator


Cathie Godden

Fundraising Director




Tuesday, 25 March 2014

658 [PGBSC] swim meet fees

This message is for everyone who received an invoice for our upcoming swim meet April 11-13 in Prince George.

Deadline for meet fee payment was Saturday March 22.

If you have not made payments, and you plan to compete, make the payments, quickly. Failure to make payments will result in being scratched from the meet.

If you plan to participate and have yet to sign up to volunteer, the list is up on the bulletin board.

If you do not intent to compete, email Jerzy at

If you have questions relating to meet fee payments, email Marilyn King at

If you have questions relating to volunteering at the meet, email Georgie Gerula at



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657 [PGBSC] Purdy's Easter

Purdy's Easter Orders deadline is next Friday, March 28th. Please submit your manual orders to Fundraising Coordinators, Sandra or Nick Lamb. Or go to to order online. If you have any questions please contact Sandra or Nick at


Cathie Godden
Fundraising Director

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Wednesday, 12 March 2014

656 [PGBSC] Spring Break schedule

Hi everyone.

Just a reminder that there are no practices the first week of spring break (17th to the 22nd) . Regular schedule resumes Monday the 24th.



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Also you can send a email to, if you have any other concern. Please use this method, before contacting GOOGLE directly.

Sunday, 9 March 2014

655 [PGBSC] Moose Meet, April, 11-13th



As many of you are aware our Moose Meet is fast approaching!  The dates of the Meet are April, 11-13th.  In order for this meet to be successful we require many volunteers.  It takes about 75 people each day of the meet.  We need people in the following areas:


  1. Timers – this is where we need the most people and if you have never done this before you will be matched up with someone who is experienced in timing.  You will be shown how to run the plunger which is the backup time for the electronic pads that are at the end of each lane.- 40+ timers needed
  2. Referees, Starters, Stroke and Turn Judges, Chief Timer,– training is required for these positions – if you are trained for these positions please indicate this when you sign up. – 16-20 people needed
  3. Electronics – You spend your time up in the electronics room or on the scaffolding in the shallow end.  The times from the electronic pads are transferred into a computer and you make sure the times come in correctly - 6 people needed
  4. Meet Manager Program –  once the times from the electronics are verified it is then transferred to the meet manager program.  From here the times are confirmed and eventually sent out to where it can be viewed online.  - 2 people needed and is covered. 
  5. Food:  every volunteer is supplied with food during the meet.  We need about 6 people per day to help out with this.  We need 2-3  more people to help out with this.


If you have not been able to write your name on the volunteer list posted on the Barracuda's bulletin board at the pool; there is still time!  When you do sign up please mark beside your name what you would like to do.  For example, if you would like to learn the electronics please write "electronics" somewhere beside your name.


I understand that we all have busy lives and may not be able to volunteer during that weekend.  If this is the case, please contact Georgie Gerula ( ) and Jason ( ) or Jerzy ( ).  THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT!   If this is not communicated properly your child(ren) may be pulled from the meet.   Every year it is hard to get volunteers for our meets or even time trials, so a few years ago it was made a requirement to volunteer; otherwise your child would be removed from the meet or time trial.   We don't want this to happen so please make sure Georgie, Jason or Jerzy are made aware if you are unable to volunteer.  You can also have someone come in your place if that is an option.   



Thank you for your time,


Tuesday, 4 March 2014

654 [PGBSC] Correction PGBSC board executive positions

The PGBSC Executive would like to inform the Club membership that our current Club Registrar, Carolyn Chrobot, and Fundraising Director, Cathie Godden, have announced their plans to step down from their PGBSC board executive positions as of November 2014.  The Executive wishes to announce that Kelly Esopenko and Sandra and Nicholas Lamb have volunteered to train for these positions, respectively, on an interim basis. A formal election to fill these impending board vacancies will take place at the November 2014 PGBSC Annual  General Meeting.

Andy Godden
Technical Director

Prince George Barracuda Swim Club

Monday, 3 March 2014

653 [PGBSC] Fwd: Clothing and back pack order

Subject: Clothing and back pack order

The backpack and clothing order is finally ready....sorry for the delay...backorders are no fun to deal with.   I will be at the pool this week Tuesday and Thursday between 545pm and 645pm for pickup....I will be in the bleachers so please come find me....thanks and see you at the pool


Sent from my iPad

652 [PGBSC] PGBSC Board Executive Positions

The PGBSC Executive would like to inform the Club membership that our current Club Registrar, Carolyn Chrobot, and Fundraising Director, Cathie Godden, have announced their plans to step down from their PGBSC board executive positions as of November 2015. The Executive wishes to announce that Kelly Esopenko and Sandra and Nicholas Lamb have volunteered to train for these positions, respectively, on an interim basis. A formal election to fill these impending board vacancies will take place at the November 2015 PGBSC Annual  General Meeting. 



Karen Lange