Wednesday, 30 October 2013

576 [PGBSC] Halloween Thursday

Hi everyone,


Just a reminder that afternoon practices tomorrow, Thursday Oct 3,1 are cancelled; with the exception of Y/N and Elite groups.


Y/N and Elite have practice 4-5:30pm.


Happy Halloween,



575 [PGBSC] Fwd: Blog

One Final detail.  Up the Creek is only open until 5 pm.  All those ordering Polo Shirts ,please place your order by no later than  4:30 pm on November 1, 2013.

574 [PGBSC] polo shirt please

Everyone who would like to purchase a polo shirt please proceed.  You need to go to Up the Creek  and see Linda to place and pay for your shirt.  You have the choice of the 3 options.  You need to place your order by Friday November 1, 2013.
Thanks, Georgie

573 [PGBSC] Fwd: Reminder

-------- Original message --------
From: Georgie <>
Date: 30-10-2013 7:45 AM (GMT-08:00)
To: 'PGBSC Technical Director' <>
Subject: Reminder

Today is the last day to let me know if you are interested in a polo shirt.  The order needs to be placed by Friday.  Kris Lewington has cotton Polo shirt available for sale for $15.00.  The sizes are small-medium.  I also have white Barracuda t-shirts for $10.00.


Thanks, Georgie

Monday, 28 October 2013

572 [PGBSC] AGM notice

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forward



Notice: The Prince George Barracudas Annual General Meeting will be held Saturday November 30th, 2013 at 10:00 am in the Northwood Room at the Prince George Aquatic Center. All members and parents are invited to attend.


Karen Lange BDSc(DH), RDH

Instructor, Dental  Studies Department

College of New Caledonia

3330 22nd Ave Prince George BC, V2N 1P8

250-562-2131 Local 5608




571 [PGBSC] Stoke and turn clinic

Sent from my iPhone



There is a Stroke and Turn Clinic being offered in the Timing Booth at the Prince George Aquatic Centre on November 2, 2013 from 9 am – 11 am.  The sign-up sheet is posted on the Barracuda bulletin board.   


570 [PGBSC] Barracuda Polo shirt

I need to know if anyone is interested in purchasing a Barracuda Polo shirt. I need to know numbers  by Wednesday, so please e-mail me if you are interested or have questions.


The shirts are white with the Barracuda logo.  There are 3 options.


1.        100% cotton with cuffed sleeves.

2.       100% cotton with regular sleeves

3.       Synthetic

All shirts come in a woman’s variety.  Once I know the numbers I will send another e-mail.  Everyone is then responsible for ordering and purchasing their own shirt from Linda,  at Up the Creek.   The total price will be just under $25.00. If you would like your shirt for the swim meet in November, your order needs to be placed by November 1, which is Friday this week.

I will have samples of the fabric and styles  at the pool this week.



569 [PGBSC] Time Trial


Thank-you everyone who volunteered at the time trial.  If anyone has accidentally taken a stop watch home after the time trial could you please return to me or Jerzy.  I am missing 5 watches.  Thank-you, Georgie


Saturday, 26 October 2013

568 [PGBSC] Tonight's Silent Auction

-------- Original message --------
From: Cathie Godden <>
Date: 26-10-2013 9:41 AM (GMT-08:00)
Subject: Blog Announcement - Tonight's Silent Auction

Just a reminder to all those attending the Awards Banquet tonight that we will be having our annual Silent Auction fundraiser for the club.  Some of the items donated so far are:  Keg Dinner & Movie, Purdy's Gift Basket, Automotive Maintenance & 1 Year Roadside Assistance package, and a beautiful Pandora bracelet. Auction winners can pay with cash, cheque, or credit card.


Also, I am still accepting donations for the auction.  If you have something to bring tonight please email me at .


Thank you,

Cathie Godden

PGBSC Fundraising Director

Friday, 25 October 2013

567 [PGBSC] 400 and 1500 free Time trial

Hi everyone,


This message is for all swimmers in the D2AB, D1, Elite and Y/N groups.


Warm ups for the 400 and 1500 freestyle time trial tomorrow begin at 8am.   Therefore, everyone should arrive by 7:40am. 


The time trial will finish by 11am. 


D2AB’s will swim the 400 first, followed by everyone else with the 1500.


See you in the am.



Thursday, 24 October 2013

566 [PGBSC] Fwd: Reminder


Just a reminder that the Awards Banquet is this Saturday Oct. 26/13


Coast Inn of the North

Doors Open at 4:00 pm, dinner will be served at 5:00 pm.

Awards will start after dinner


There will be music and dancing for the children after the awards ceremony.


Looking forward to seeing everyone on Saturday night.


Thank you

Kelly Esopenko

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Wednesday, 23 October 2013

565 [PGBSC] Awards Banquet Silent Auction Reminder

Just a reminder that we still need donations for our Silent Auction at the Awards Banquet, this Saturday Oct 26th.


If you know of any businesses who would like to contribute there is a donation request letter on the fundraising page of the PGBSC website that you can print at .


I am also looking for volunteers to assist me in setting-up the auctions at the Coast Inn of The North from 3 pm – 4 pm on Saturday.


Please contact me at if you are available to assist.


Thank you,


Cathie Godden

PGBSC Fundraising Director


Tuesday, 22 October 2013

564 [PGBSC] Clothing Orders

Begin forwarded message:
I will be at the pool this week Wednesday from 6-7 and Thursday from 530-630 for pick ups of clothing and back packs orders!!!

See you at the pool!! Kris

Wednesday, 16 October 2013

563 [PGBSC] Last week to purchase your banquet tickets!

I will be at the pool Thursday Oct. 17th from 6:00-7:00 pm


Online sales through the Team Store will be available until

midnight on Oct. 17th.


Please don't miss out on the chance to attend the banquet, it's

a great evening for the whole family.  There will be music and

dancing for the children after the awards.


Coast Inn of the North

Saturday October 26th, 2013

Doors open at 4:00 pm, dinner at 5:00 pm

Buffet dinner, dessert, coffee, tea and cash

Bar available.


Thank you




Tuesday, 15 October 2013

562 [PGBSC] Monday morning practice after Prince Rupert

Hi everyone,


Monday morning practice next week, October 21, for both Y/N and Elite is also cancelled.





561 [PGBSC] practice schedule this weekend

Hi everyone,


Just a reminder that due to the club travelling to Prince Rupert this weekend, practice schedules this Friday and Saturday are as follows:


Friday practices are cancelled for all groups except, Swim School, D3 and D2C.


Saturday practices are cancelled for all groups except, Masters.






Thursday, 10 October 2013

560 [PGBSC] reminder



I will be at the pool selling tickets for the awards banquet the following days:


*Friday Oct 11th 5:30-6:30 pm

*Thursday Oct 17th 6:00-7:00 pm


*Tickets can be purchased online through the team store until Oct 18th


The cutoff for tickets sales is Friday October 18th, as final numbers need

to be submitted to the catering department for the dinner.


If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.




Kelly Esopenko


559 [PGBSC] New Webmaster

The Barracuda Swim Club would like to welcome Jose Lopez to his new role with the club as the webmaster for our website.  He will be looking after any additions or changes to the website.
I as the outgoing webmaster will be remaining with the club as Technical Director responsible for registration software and swim meet electronics.
Please welcome Jose to his new role and please give him your full support.
Jose can be reached at
I can be reached at
Andy Godden
Technical Director PGBSC

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This email was sent to you because you provided an email address, at registration, with the Prince George Barracuda Swim Club (PGBSC) or subscribed at Its' intentions is to keep you informed with the latest information from the PGBSC.
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
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Also you can send a email to, if you have any other concern. Please use this method, before contacting GOOGLE directly.

Monday, 7 October 2013

558 [PGBSC] Thanksgiving Monday

Good Morning everyone,


Thanksgiving Monday, there will be no practices for all groups.


Enjoy the turkey.





557 [PGBSC] Awards Banquet Silent Auction

On Oct 26th we will be having a Silent Auction at our annual PGBSC Awards Banquet.  We are looking for donations to help make this Silent Auction a success.  If you know of any businesses who would like to contribute there is a donation request letter on the fundraising page of the PGBSC website that you can print at .


If you have any questions please contact me at



556 [PGBSC] Clinics

There are 2 clinics running next week.   The first is a starter clinic on October 15th beginning at 5:30 pm.  Then on October 16th a level one timing clinic.   The timing clinic is for all parents, new parents who have never timed before and experienced parents who have not taken the clinic.  Both clinics will take place in the timing both at the Aquatic centre.  The sign- up sheets for both clinics are posted on the Barracuda bulletin board.  If you have any question, please do not hesitate to contact Georgie Gerula, Director of Officials.


Sunday, 6 October 2013

555 [PGBSC] time trial volunteers

The first time trial of the year is Saturday October 26, 2013.  It is 1500 Freestyle for D1, Elite and NY and 400 Freestyle for DIIA/B and JSD.  The sign-up sheet for volunteers is on the Barracuda bulletin board.   If your child is participating in the time trial, you must volunteer or supply an alternate if you are unable to volunteer. If you do not volunteer or provide an alternate, your swimmer cannot swim. The last day to sign up is Wednesday, October 23. If you have any questions, please contact Georgie Gerula, Director of officials.


Saturday, 5 October 2013

554 [PGBSC] Reminder Barracudas Information Night

Hello Barracudas swimmers and parents, 
A reminder to mark your calendars to attend a Club information question and answer night, hosted by the Prince George Barracudas executive, in the Northwood Room at the Prince George Aquatic Centre on the following dates:
•             Tuesday October 8th, 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
•             Wednesday October 9th,  5:30 pm – 6:30 pm
Come meet the coaches,  social coordinator, meet manager, equipment coordinator, technical director and the Club executive committee. We are looking forward to seeing you there! 
Karen Lange
PGBSC Executive Assistant

Wednesday, 2 October 2013

555 [PGBSC] Banquet Tickets

The PGBSC Awards Banquet is fast approaching.


Saturday October 26th, 2013

Coast Inn of the North

Doors open at 4:00 pm, dinner at 5:00 pm with awards to follow.

Tickets are $16.00 each


I will be at the pool the following dates/times to sell tickets:


Tuesday October 8th 6:00-7:00 pm

Wednesday October 9th 5:30-6:30 pm

Friday October 11th 5:30-6:30 pm

Thursday October 17th 6:00-7:00 pm


Tickets can also be purchased online in the team store.


The deadline to buy tickets is Friday October 18th


If you have any questions please feel free to contact me,



Kelly Esopenko