Saturday, 29 September 2012

330 [PGBSC Blog] Fw: ticket sales

Hi everyone
Here is the schedule for banquet tickets sales for the month of October:
Monday  October 1st 5:30-6:30 pm
Saturday October 6th 9:30-10:30 am
Tuesday October 9th 6:30-7:30 pm
Wednesday October 10th 6:30-7:30 pm
Monday October 15th 5:30-6:30 pm
Wednesday October 17th 6:30-7:30 pm
  • The awards banquet is Saturday Oct. 27th, Coast Inn of the North
  • Doors open at 4:00 pm, dinner at 5:00 pm with awards to follow
  • Dinner, dessert, tea and coffee with a cash bar available
  • Door prizes
If anyone has any photos that they would like to have included in the slideshow,
that aren't already on our website please forward them to Andy Godden.
Every year Cathie Godden organizes a great silent auction for the banquet, if you
would like to make a donation to the silent auction please contact Cathie.

Friday, 28 September 2012

329 [PGBSC Blog] Prince George Barracuda Clothing Order Prices!!! 2012-2013

I will be at the pool Saturday morning from 915-10am to take orders!!!

Full Zip Hoodies :  includes left chest logo, swimmer on hood and name

Adult   $55                          

Youth   $50                                     2XL ADD $3   3XL  ADD $6.75

Sweatpants:  includes swimmer on back leg and `CUDA` on butt in vinyl

Adult –pocketed   $42                     2XL ADD $3   3XL  ADD $6.75

Adult – non-pocketed   $40

Youth – non –   pocketed    $35

Add name:  $3.50 extra

Shorts: include logo on left leg

Adult   $25

Youth   $22

Add name:  $3.50 extra

Kobe bags: includes logo and name on flap   $50

Speedo backpacks:  $90   includes logo and name

328 [PGBSC Blog] Log Course Records

The long course records have been updated on the PGBSC website.


Andy Godden

Technical Director


Prince George Barracuda Swim Club



327 [PGBSC Blog] reminder

I will be selling tickets for the banquet tomorrow,
Sat. Sept. 29th from 9:00-10:30 am at the pool.
Tickets are $15.00 each.

Monday, 24 September 2012

326 [PGBSC Blog] Short Course Records

The short course records have been updated on the PGBSC website.


Andy Godden

Technical Lead


Friday, 21 September 2012

325 [PGBSC Blog] Elite Suits

Just a reminder...for all those in Elite or Youth National...that I will be at the pool tomorrow morning at 9:15am for those who still need to order and or pay for their track suits...I will be placing the order on Monday. Thank you!!!

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324 [PGBSC Blog] Accommodations in Smithers

For those families traveling to Prince Rupert for the swim meet on the 19 Oct to 21 Oct.  If you are leaving the night before or Thursday 18 Oct 2012, we have a block of room for $75.00 per room at the Hudson Bay lodge in Smithers, BC.  When booking please use the name Prince George Barracuda Swim Club, Group 2950.




Andy Godden



323 [PGBSC Blog] FW: North East Regional Officials Director

I am forwarding you this email regarding a vacant position for the regional officials director for our region.

Many thanks,




Greetings folks,


After due consideration I have decided not to seek re-election as North East Regional Officials Director.  The protocol for having this position filled falls to the regional clubs, which would be Williams Lake, Prince George, Quesnel, Fort St. John and Chetwynd. Representation for the region must be from one of those clubs.


If you could pass the message along that the position is being vacated and the chance for someone new to take over is available, much appreciated.  The BCSOA AGM is October 13, 2012 and it would be best if the director was in place for that date.   The position should be filled by someone that has an interest in swim officiating, I would recommend that the candidate be at least a level 3 certified official and be willing to put in some extra time networking and liaising with the regional clubs. 


For a full description of what the duties of a regional officials director are, please contact me @:  or phone: 250-296-4221. 


Thank you for your attention to this matter.




Fred Blewett 



Wednesday, 19 September 2012

322 [PGBSC Blog] Prince Rupert Swim Meet Package and Travel information

Hi Barracuda families,
The Prince Rupert Fall Kick Off Swim Meet Package is now available on the PGB website (look for the Swim Meet Packages under the Parents Tab).
The Prince Rupert Accomodation Block (with the group discount rate) has been set up at the Crest Hotel; the block release date is Friday, October 5th. You can access this information on the PGB website (look for Swim Meet Accomodation under the Parents Tab).   

The sign-up is posted at the pool; the deadline for sign-up as Saturday, September 29, 2012. This meet is open for all groups. There are no standards for all events and swimmers are limited to a maximum of seven events.

If you are planning to travel "with the club" (with or without your parent(s)), the club will be leaving on Friday, October 19 @ 5:45 AM and will be returning on Sunday, October 21 late afternoon.
Marilyn King
PGB Travel & Meet Director

321 [PGBSC Blog] Fw: banquet ticket sales

The annual awards banquet will be held Saturday Oct. 27th at the Coast Inn of the North.
Doors open at 4:00 pm with dinner at 5:00 pm...awards to follow.
Cost is $15.00/person which includes: dinner, desert, tea and coffee with a cash bar available.
I will be at the selling tickets Saturday Sept. 22nd and 29th from 9:00-10:30 am at the Four Seasons
Dates to follow for ticket sales in October at the Aquatic Centre
Kelly Esopenko

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

320 [PGBSC Blog] Masters registration

Masters registration will take place at the Aquatic Centre Monday October 1 starting at 7pm in the lobby. 
Doris Partyka will be there to look after the registration.
Both the PGBSC Masters Registration form and the MSABC Personal Info Consent form can be found on our website 
Please print and fill in BOTH forms and bring them with you to registration.
First practice is Monday October 1 at 8pm.
Any questions?  Let me know.

Monday, 17 September 2012

319 [PGBSC Blog] Elite and youth national suits

I will be at the pool on Tuesday the 18th and Thursday the 20th from 645pm-730pm andSaturday the 22nd from 915am-10am to take warm up suit orders for any swimmers in Elite or Youth National.  Your cost is $60.  Thanks, see you at the pool!!!


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318 [PGBSC Blog] FRL credits from last year

You may be aware that the PGBSC is using a membership management system this year. This is a big learning curve for all of us. Therefore I wish to bring to your attention the following.

If you have a FRL credit from last year, that you did not use during the registration of your swimmer, that credit has been applied to your account. If you have selected fee schedule (monthly or semi annual payments) and you are paying by credit card, the system may use the credit on account before it uses the credit card for payment.

This may not be what you want. Therefore if you would prefer not to use your balance credit to reduce your fees please let me know and I I'll attempt to make the system aware of your request.

The next fee schedule is 1 Oct 2012, so let me know before then.

Andrew (Andy) Godden

Sent from my iPad on the Telus Network

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Saturday, 15 September 2012

317 [PGBSC Blog] October meet

This message is for all swimmers registered in D2C and up
The sign up list for the Prince Rupert Invitational (October 19-21) is now posted at the pool. 
The deadline for sign up is Saturday Sept 29.
The club will be leaving on Friday October 19 at 5:45am and returning on Sunday October 21 late afternoon.

Thursday, 13 September 2012

316 [PGBSC Blog] Elite Competitive warm up Suits

This message is for ALL swimmers in Elite or higher.
I will be at the pool on Saturday the 15th at 930am for you to try on and order your Competitive warm up suits.
Price is $60

315 [PGBSC Blog] Personalized Swim Caps

I will be at the pool Saturday the 15th at 930am to collect money and take orders for personalized swim caps.

I will be placing the order next week, so please be sure to order on Saturday, if that doesn't work for you please put $40 in an envelope with whatever name you want on the cap to Jerzy or Jason...thank you

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Thursday, 6 September 2012

314 [PGBSC Blog] Registration Night Tonight

Just a reminder that tonight is Registration Night.  See you at the Civic Center from 6 pm – 8 pm, where you can drop off your Consent Forms, Swim BC Forms, Volunteer Forms & cheque payments and pick up your Barracuda T-shirts, Caps, and Stride & Glide discount card.

We look forward to see you and your swimmer at the Civic Center tonight.

Andrew (Andy) Godden
PGBSC Webmaster

Wednesday, 5 September 2012




Just a reminder that tomorrow night, Thursday Sept 6, you can and drop off your Consent Forms, Swimmer’s B/C’s, & cheque payments at the Civic Centre from 6 pm – 8 pm. Barracuda T-shirts, Caps, and Stride & Glide discount card will also be available for pick up.


If you have not previously done your on-line registration from home there will be computers at the Civic Center, for you to perform the registration process yourself.  It is preferred though, to expedite the process and avoid waiting in line that you register from home and then simply drop by the Civic Centre on Registration Night with your completed paperwork and payment.


If you experience any problems with the registration process, feel free to call our Webmaster, Andy Godden at (250) 617-2503 and he will attempt to assist you.


Looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow night,


PGBSC Executive

312 [PGBSC Blog] new email address

Hi Everyone.
Just in case, some of you missed my last email concerning my new email address back in July.  It is now
See you Thursday at the Civic Centre.


I will begin to take orders tomorrow night at Registration.
I need 25 orders to process order.
$40 for 2 Personalized Silicone caps!!!
Thanks, Kris

Sunday, 2 September 2012

310 [PGBSC Blog] Active Living Market

I need volunteers to help set-up and man our booth at the Active Living Market next weekend, Sept 8 & 9th, at the Pine Centre Mall.



Booth Set-up 8 – 9:30 am

Booth Hours 9:30 am – 6:00 pm



Booth Hours 12:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Clean up 5:15 pm


Please contact me at if you can help out during any of the above noted times.



Cathie Godden